A woman on her phone scheduling an appointment

Provide convenient and flexible access to care

Reduce phone volume, patient wait times, and staff fatigue with a highly configurable, real-time online scheduling solution to increase patient satisfaction and practice success.

Empower Your Patients—Find the Perfect Patient Engagement Solution
Make it easier for people to connect to your practice and get the most out of your care.
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Benefits of NextGen Self-Scheduling powered by Luma
Reimburse logo
Fill schedules and increase revenue
Open slots to help patients get in for the care they need while filling your schedule.
Icon of a mobile phone
Provide 24/7 access
Offer convenience and continuous appointment access for your patients.
PatientScheduling logo
Save time for staff
When patients can self-schedule, staff spend less time managing appointments over the phone.
Phone logo
Decrease phone volume
Ease staff workloads with reduced front-desk call volume and interruptions.
Schedule logo
Reduce no-shows
Allow patients to easily cancel and modify their appointments online.
StreamlineWorkflow logo
Improve patient convenience
With web and text message-based scheduling, patients can more conveniently and easily schedule with your practice.

Explore the benefits

How can NextGen Patient Experience help your practice?

See how you can benefit.



$ 100
$ 5,000


10 %
100 %

Additional reimbursement per year


Total hours saved per year

This calculator is for informational purposes only. Results are estimates based on provided information and may not reflect actual outcomes. Use these estimates as a guide to assess potential return on investment.


Advantages of NextGen Self-Scheduling powered by Luma

Patient Self Scheduling Software, woman searching on a laptop
Integrated text/web scheduling
Rules-based, PM/EHR-integrated scheduling guides patients to the right appointment time with the right provider. NextGen Self-Scheduling integrates with the appointment book in NextGen Enterprise PM.
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Patient Self Scheduling Software, image of a man using a phone to schedule an appointment
Automated, actionable reminders
With NextGen Patient Engage powered by Luma, automated reminders integrate with the schedule and prompt patients to confirm, cancel, or reschedule their appointments. (This is an add-on module.)
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Patient Self Scheduling Software, image closeup of hands using a phone to schedule a call
Seamless cancellation management
If a patient responds to a reminder that they can no longer make the appointment, an option to reschedule and quickly choose a new time is automatically sent.
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Patient Self Scheduling Software, image of a mom holding baby and using phone to access LUMA
Simple waitlist capabilities
Patients can easily sign-up on a waitlist to get an appointment sooner. The Smart Waitlist for NextGen Self-Scheduling automatically notifies patients when there’s an appointment time available. (This is an add-on module.)
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Patient Self Scheduling Software, image of tablet on table to schedule an appointment
Convenient referral engagement
Interactive notifications inform patients when they've been referred to your practice. Automatic notifications also allow patients to book an appointment and provide real-time confirmation. This add-on module is a significant time-saver for your staff that also keeps providers in the loop at every step.
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Patient Self Scheduling Software, image of a elder gentleman using tab to easily schedule an appointment
Expanded scheduling options
Let new and returning patients schedule from your Google My Business profile with this add-on module.
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A grandmother scheduling a healthcare appointment on her smartphone with her granddaughter
Get people engaged in their health
NextGen Patient Experience Platform — A Virtual Front Door to your Practice
Learn how an integrated patient experience platform can help people become more engaged in their healthcare. User-friendly technology supports the clinical and financial outcomes practices need to stay competitive and thrive.
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We learned that integration with the NextGen Enterprise EHR for patient self-scheduling and virtual visits solutions lowered the risk of duplicative chart problems, which poses a significant patient risk.

Joni Chroman
COO FPA Women's Health
Make the switch to NextGen Healthcare