Share clinical data nationally
Once accepted by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), the QHIN designation will enable NextGen Healthcare to participate in a network of organizations that work together on a national scale to share clinical data.
Facilitate interoperability
Under the model laid out by TEFCA, QHINs will exchange information with other QHINs, facilitating a flow of information vital for care teams to ensure quality care.
Vendor agnostic
NextGen Healthcare’s QHIN will be vendor agnostic, meaning it will support clients as well as users of other EHR systems, health information exchanges (HIEs), health information technology (HIT) developers, and other healthcare participants.
Key to whole-person health
An open exchange of data is vital for supporting whole-person health. A QHIN benefits every member of the care continuum with critical data to help them make the best decisions possible.
Enabled by a secure platform
Our QHIN application is made possible by NextGen® Share, a secure, cloud-based platform that provides access to several national interoperability networks and other key services.
Leverages our Carequality experience
Becoming a QHIN draws on our years of experience as an implementer of the Carequality interoperability framework.