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Surescripts named five electronic health records (EHR) companies as prestigious 2018 Surescripts White Coat Award™ winners. The White Coat Award celebrates the top achievements in improving electronic prescription accuracy across the Surescripts network, which connects approximately 250 EHR vendors nationwide, as well as nearly all pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), pharmacies and clinicians—along with an increasing number of health plans, long-term and post-acute care organizations and specialty pharmacy organizations. 

NextGen Healthcare was awarded the 2018 White Coat Award for Highest Accuracy.  This is a great honor and a very significant achievement considering the complexity and importance of the task at hand.  There are so many “moving parts” that all need to work flawlessly to produce a near error free electronic prescription process.

Even as physicians struggle with some of the unintended consequences and challenges stemming from the widespread implementation of EHRs, there has been clear consensus that EHR electronic prescribing modules, deployed in a connected, integrated network of pharmacies, PBMs and payers, provide enhanced accuracy and reduce prescription errors that were common in the paper prescription era.   The transition to electronic prescribing has not been without mishaps, recently the Telegraph reported that more than 10,000 patients in Britain may have been given the wrong medication due to an IT blunder.  Deeply disturbing is the fact this issue was likely present, undiscovered, since 2010. 

Polypharmacy is especially common in elderly patients. Although elderly patients comprise <13% of the U.S. population, they receive almost 33% of all prescription medications annually.  This population is also particularly vulnerable to prescription errors as their regimens are often complex and include multiple medications.  This group of patients also is at risk for decline in visual acuity and age-related cognitive dysfunction that could further contribute to the problem.  It is in this population that the accuracy of the electronic prescription process is critically important.  

The award that was just won by the NextGen EHR for the highest accuracy in electronic prescribing is a remarkable achievement.  It is the culmination of the work of many teams across our company.  Each of them should be proud of this special achievement.  It is not often that outstanding work has such a direct impact on the quality of care for all patients and particularly the most vulnerable among them.

Meet NextGen Ambient Assist, your new AI ally that generates a structured SOAP note in seconds from listening to the natural patient/provider conversation.

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Dr. Betty Rabinowitz headshot
Dr. Betty Rabinowitz, MD FACP
Chief Medical Officer
Dr. Betty Rabinowitz was appointed as our chief medical officer on April 19, 2018. She brings to this position more than 25 years of extensive clinical experience and expansive knowledge of population health and value-based practice transformation. In her role, Betty is tasked with helping NextGen Healthcare promote and improve our solutions in support of our clients’ provider performance, clinica...