Join our NextGen Healthcare Developer Program

Our developer program is for API developers who develop applications that extend functionality for the NextGen Enterprise application. When you join the program, you gain access to our API, code samples, documentation, and developer community. You also integrate your own apps with the NextGen Enterprise application more quickly and easily. Discover what we can build together to advance the future of healthcare and drive better results.

Please be advised that we are not currently processing requests for non-EHI (Electronic Health Information) data routes. Non-EHI data includes categories that do not relate to a patient’s electronic protected health information (ePHI) and are not considered part of a designated record set (DRS). This may include data such as available appointment slots and EHR tasking.

At this time, our API program is focused on supporting EHI-related data requests. While non-EHI data routes are unavailable, we encourage you to proceed with any EHI-related requests.

Once you submit the form below, we will review your product for platform compatibility and contact you soon.

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